Food for Schools offers a wide variety of services tailored to the specific needs of your district or school, including Administrative Review prep, full-year mentoring, and targeted training on any topic related to School Nutrition.
Administrative Review Prep
This intensive review covers many of the topics that are part of the triennial Administrative Review, including Procurement. A call before the visit will be scheduled to discuss the district’s priorities for the visit which can include the following:
- Free and reduced application procedures
- Verification
- Direct certification
- Wellness policy
- Paid Lunch Equity
- Non Program Revenue
- Professional standards
- Smart snacks
- Civil rights
- Procurement
- Meal pattern and Nutritional analysis (compliance worksheet)
- Offer vs. Serve
- Production Records
- A written summary of the visit(s) detailing areas of opportunity as well as areas of strength shall be sent to the district upon completion
Full Year Mentoring
This all-inclusive mentoring service includes 2 onsite visits by a Food for Schools consultant, scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the district and Food for Schools. The mentoring will focus on the district’s priorities and the needs of the individual director. Topics will include everything covered in the Administrative Review Prep, plus:
This all-inclusive mentoring service includes 2 onsite visits by a Food for Schools consultant, scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the district and Food for Schools. The mentoring will focus on the district’s priorities and the needs of the individual director. Topics will include everything covered in the Administrative Review Prep, plus:
- Weekly one hour conference call (August through June) with director to address program concerns, professional development, leadership strategies, state and USDA compliance, business strategies.
- Inventory management
- Allergens and special meal plans
- Single Sign On monthly reporting
- WEBSCM USDA foods ordering
- Opportunities for business growth
- Important program reminders based on NHDOE annual calendar
- Recipes
- Training opportunities, new product features, and more
Targeted Training
A Food for Schools Consultant will visit your school or district and work with the director on any issue of concern. We will provide follow-up to ensure you are comfortable and proficient in whatever topic we have addressed.
A Food for Schools Consultant will visit your school or district and work with the director on any issue of concern. We will provide follow-up to ensure you are comfortable and proficient in whatever topic we have addressed.